Implementación de herramientas tecnológicas y digitales para optimizar los proyectos de orden y control del área logística y comercial de la empresa Chispa y Sabor
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The company Chispa y Sabor is a small Colombian food company founded in the city of Bogotá in 2003 which offers the service to the table of a variety of dishes including chicken, meat, fish, fast foods, fruit and ice cream shop. This is located in the southwest of the city being recognized in the sector for its great infrastructure, its variety of products and its excellent prices and quality. As well as its competence, the company wants to start optimizing all its daily processes and activities through the use of new technological and digital components that will help it achieve greater control over its operations and greater competitiveness, thus achieving a great change and technological transformation with respect to how he used to work a few years ago in his logistics and commercial areas. The company plans to start implementing order, control and monitoring processes in its operations by implementing an information management system and also by developing new platforms and digital communication channels that will help it advance one step further and grow in the globalized world of today.
Marco jurídico aplicable
Ciudad del laudo
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Parte convocada
Árbitros, Consejero, Ponente, Magistrado Ponente
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Materias Normalizadas
Innovaciones Tecnológicas
Comunicaciones digitales
Tecnología de la información
Marketing Digital