Conceptualización de los beneficios del teletrabajo en el sector empresarial caleño en mujeres cabeza de hogar.
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This article shows how teleworking is projected as a valuable tool to move towards the improvement of women's conditions, allowing us to take a step towards gender equality at work.Supporting the fifth objective of the SDGs -Gender Equity and with a global vision on the evolution of this concept throughout history, a brief review on struggles, achievements of women in the labor field, and with the current implementation of new social policies that aim to close little by little the existing gender gap at the labor level through the use of technological and computer contributions, this document is prepared showing the concepts of different authors on gender equity, as well as some actions undertaken looking for gender equality worldwide. The municipality of Santiago de Cali, as part of the whole, has not been alien to this problem and according to data obtained from the DANE, of all working women active in themunicipality, only a small percentage has a formal job and an even smaller one he manages to obtain a high ranking position within local companies, in comparison to men. Despite this notable labor inequality by gender, companies are worrying about slowing down these figures, through the implementation of new public policies, including the changing legislative norms and adopting other labor alternatives such as telework, which even on a small scale, allows women participate formally in the labor market. It is expected that the present work will serve as a basis for future research in all matters related to gender equality in the Colombian labor field.
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Árbitros, Consejero, Ponente, Magistrado Ponente
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