Exportación de talento de Street Dance como contribución al crecimiento de la economía naranja de Colombia
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Dance as one of the Cultural Creative Industry components and as a taxpayer to the Colombia’s orange economy is a sector that is compound by several dance disciplines that involve cultural and distinctive aspects of each of them, they manifest trought their training spaces and promotion events, whether of a cultural or commercial nature. This sector that generates employment to the population that specialize of each of these dance process under a versatility of adaptation to any sector of the cultural creative industry, however, under this premise the dance sector also presents a high informality grade and negligence in relation to the gonvermental support in base to the sustentance and national and international promotion of dance that hinders of dance potential and the improvement quality of dancers life. Specifically in Street Dance, and as a common point with the others artistic disciplines, their informality and low recognition by the State generate constitution barriers as a business (in the case of the dance studios and training spaces) and sustenance in the market: adding the excessive intermendation factor among others engagement actors that decreases the dancers margin of gain in labor terms. It is of utmost importance to mention that whitin the sector is knowledge is lacking about the processes to be carried out to generate a colombian talent internationalization as an artistic service, it’s like that this project arises in order to study these problems at the sectoral level together of an analysis of the different oppotunities that are presented in the Street Dance ecosystem in realtion to the cultural creativity industry that enhace the capacity for intertionalization of Colombia dance, the formality of employment and the generation of knowledge transfer to the sector, in adition to the contribution of the growth of the national orange economy.
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Árbitros, Consejero, Ponente, Magistrado Ponente
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Actividades recreativas
Danza en el arte