Colombia y México 2018, Impuesto de renta personas naturales asalariadas
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From the time of the conquest, in Colombia and Mexico there have been tributes, initially in the name of the King of Spain, which were required of those who lived in these lands and had some commercial activity. Over the years and to date the situation is similar, now the collection is for the State and is part of the rule of law in which citizens have the obligation of taxation, from the regulation with the tax reforms that they constitute the line to follow for the presentation of information for the payment of the tax. The declaration of income for salaried natural persons has become a topic of interest in the Colombian labor society, given the constraints that the norm and its scope have, which leads to multiple concepts depending on the sector and salary level that can be seen. The interesting thing is that the situation is similar in other Latin American countries and specifically in Mexico, where you have the laws, regulations, tools and methods for income tax for salaried individuals, where differences are in periods of presentation, and population coverage. Simplifying, there is a good production process for the income tax, that is, the laws that are the responsibility of the state (executive and legislative), the rules and procedures for debugging the rent under the responsibility of the DIAN and the generator of said taxes income for the State that are the taxpayers, this opportunity is the salaried natural persons.
Impuesto sobre la renta
Personas físicas
Marco jurídico aplicable
Ciudad del laudo
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Parte convocada
Árbitros, Consejero, Ponente, Magistrado Ponente
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Jurisprudencia citada
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Impuestos sobre la renta - Colombia - México
Recaudación de Impuestos